Xtreme Ice Carting 6















Ryan performs the most Xtreme Ice Cart stunt so far

I was barreling down the hill at full speed, riding the cart like a seasoned pro. Then everything just went wrong. At the bottom of the hill, I hit a crack in the pavement and flew from the cart. I was taking a first-person perspective video at the time, which did not save because the battery fell out upon impact. I don't remember how I fell or when I fell, that's all a blur to me now. I think I know the order in which my body parts contacted the ground by which ones hurt the most. I believe my left knee hit first, and I was limping around for weeks. I think my hands hit next, then my left elbow, then finally my head. Ryan and New Guy saw it all from the top of the hill, and lost their minds when they saw me fall and lie still on the ground. I remained on the ground for a few minutes, then used all my strength to get up. This was how I found the cart when I got up. 







It was only New Guy's 2nd time Ice Carting, but he proved that he possessed the special thing necessary to properly ride and navigate the cart down an inclined plane. I'd go Ice Carting with New Guy any day, and now consider him a member of Team XIC.






After what looked like a XIC season-ending injury, I packed up the cart to return to work. We couldn't have been outside for more than 5 minutes, hence the lack of pictures. I've ridden the cart a few times since then, but not downhill. My knee is not yet fully healed, and further riding will only lengthen the necessary recovery time. This was not just a minor injury, I seriously hurt myself, and I fear long-term damage may have been done. But was it worth it? You damn right it was.

