Trifecta Tres - Sprecher Brewery



Sprecher and Lakefront beers usually have a higher alcohol content than Miller beers so we get good and drunk even though we are only drinking 8oz samples. It doesn't sound like a whole lot but it gets you drunk. If you question it come out and join us on for Trifecta Cuatro.

We gathered for a group photo but we were somewhat subdued thanks to the scolding. We still continued to rage but we were taken aback by someone trying to shut us down. That was a huge buzzkill but we still managed to enjoy our time here. But they still can't stop the rage.

After the Sprecher Tour we hung out under the freeway overpass like a couple of bums. I blame Kevin's overall appearance for influencing our hobo actions. We are a bunch of followers so once someone does finally take the lead we all fall in line and organized chaos occurs.














Being newly 21 this was Kevin's first time at a Trifecta and I can guarantee he will be joining us for the next several. It's a grand old time and a perfect way to enjoy a nice little Saturday, Screw Home Depot and Bed Bath and Beyond. Those places suck balls.

For the most part we don't eat anything during the day which is another reason that we get so drunk. If we do eat something it is usually something salty like pretzels which makes us drink more. Sprecher also sells string cheese, which JJ enjoyed the shit out of.















This bearded random came over and joined us because he said it looked like were were having a lot of fun. That's exactly what we were going for and I don't know why we were chastised for it.

The gang (the people you saw before plus Paul and his randoms) were having a time over at the table and other people were starting to notice. Aren't we supposed to have fun on a brewery tour?














By now the monkey was a full fledged member of our gang and I hope that he stays inflated long enough to join us on the next Trifecta. And if he doesn't we can always buy another one. That's the thing with these monkeys; they are sadly replaceable.

The table next to us were as rowdy as we were and didn't get yelled at and they felt bad for us. They too were on their own Trifecta and suggested we go on the Milwaukee Brewery Tour in the 3rd Ward, which will be our final stop next time instead of Sprecher.














I don't really know how this moment started but thanks to this picture I do know how it ended - chair rage. This picture couldn't be more perfect. But it also explains exactly why we were disciplined for our behaviors and why we aren't welcomed back for future visits.








