STYX Summerfest Concert
The concert was winding down, and I was getting tired. It's tough to stand up on the bench in the middle of all of that rock and roll and not let it take control of your body and let it run amok while it's in your shoes. Rock and roll will someday unite all of the planets in the universe, and air guitar will eliminate smog in Los Angeles.
You might know that that is Tommy Shaw onstage, but you will figure out only right now that those are Tim's fingers elevating Tommy Shaw into musical stardom and a place in rock and roll history. Tim's plan was for his hands to be like a pedestal elevating Tommy Shaw up into the mythilogical heavens were he belongs.
Lawrence takes pictures of himself with a Polaroid camera then throws them out into the audience. Tim was fortunate to catch two of them from the 4 concerts that he went to, and has them proudly displayed on his wall.