San Francisco & Michelle's Wedding - Day 5 |
When I got back home, Korben Dallas was waiting for me. He tries to pretend that I'm not a big part of his life, but I know better. I wasn't just born yesterday. I've been around the World and seen enough TV shows and movies to know that our buddy relationship (although oddly matched) works out incredibly well in the end. This trip was a lot of fun and it was great to see my family on my Dad's side because we don't get to hang out that often due to physical distance between all of us. It's just unfortunate that it takes a major life event to bring us all together. But I guess that is what happens when you get older and live so apart. I look forward to the next time that we all get together. Let's just hope that it is for a happy reason. Any time spent with family is a great time for me. But sadness does often put a damper on those times if we are brought together for those reasons. But this was a happy time. One that I know I will never forget. |
On our flight back into Milwaukee, there was a thunderstorm on the horizon. I saw some lightning up close and I wondered inside my head if it was close enough to hit us. Thankfully it was out there in the distance because I wasn't ready to be struck by lightning. The only thing that ever benefited from being stuck by lightning was the DeLorean Time Machine, and it had to be struck precisely at moment it was going 88 miles per hour in order to be beneficial to its' passenger. But even that didn't work out too well for Marty. |
We took a shuttle from the hotel to the airport. It costs about the same as the Uber ride on the day that we arrived in town, but it was certainly less informational. When we got to the airport we did as we normally do before boarding our flights - we went through security, we did some yoga, went to the bathroom. washed and dried our hands and we grabbed an airport beer. Although way overpriced than one you can pick up at home, an airport beer just really hits the spot. I don't know why, but it does. Every single time. |
We got back into town around 11pm, so we asked our dear good friend Matt Werner to pick us up from the airport. He was more than willing to oblige. After all, he was family (even if recent circumstances attempted to change that arrangement). He provided us with a spirited ride back to Jenny Reck's house and then he disappeared into the night, never to be heard from again. Until next time of course. |
I previously mentioned that I had found a loophole in the TSA rules where you could carry on liquids less than 3 ounces (which includes airplane sized bottles of booze), so Jenny and I once again took advantage of that. We mixed whiskey and vodka with some whatevers and we boarded the plane. We had these screens in front of us and I had a multitude of choices of what to watch, but the only thing that made sense was Sesame Street. When the Cookie Monster was on, I knew I made the right pick. Who doesn't want cookie cookie cookies? |
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