The Deep South (Carolina) - Day 4





I changed planes in Charlotte, North Carolina. I had a little over an hour between flights, so I went to the Bacardi Lounge. Like Ben Stiller in Starsky and Hutch (playing Maury Finkle of Finkle Lighting Fixtures) I said to the waitress, "Hey dere sweetcheecks. Let me get a Bacardi and Cola. Do it. Do it. Do it." It was awesome.













I purposefully scheduled my flight for the last one of the night so that I could maximize my time with James, Melissa and Baya. So on Sunday evening the time unfortunately came for me to go back home. I said my goodbyes and they took me to the airport. This weekend was so much fun and I can't wait to back back out there.














My experience at the Columbia airport is probably skewed by the fact that both times I was there it was late at night. There was nobody here, but luckily the bar was still open. I got this giant beer for like 6 bucks, but I only had like 10 minutes to drink it before getting on my flight. Luckily I am a world class drinker...


I once again sat in the ass end of the plane, and this chick across the aisle from me had the right idea. I kind of feel weird and a little creepy for taking a picture of her sleeping, but I guess it is ok because I am a little weird and creepy. I'll do whatever I can to rationalize things like that. The plane ride home was quick and I got back late. And in the months since I have been out there I have forgotten a lot of the details. You can probably tell this by looking at the pictures, but I didn't do a whole lot while I was out there. But doing nothing with James and Melissa is better than doing something with people who I don't love. So in that way it was one of the best trips that I have ever taken. I can't wait to go back down there, but who knows when my busy schedule will allow it. But I will make every attempt to make it happen.











For dinner we got some pizza from this local joint. Pizza is pretty universal, although personal preference often comes into play. So I would definitely call this some of the best I've ever had because you can choose what flavor crust you want (as opposed to style). We got ranch flavored, which was so much more delicious than I imagined.