Afterglow RFT VI: Styx - The UP & Watersmeet











I left Bemidji in the morning and headed towards Afterglow. You might have noticed by now that I categorized this as one of the Rage for Timmy (RFT), so I'm guessing that you figured that I would end up there. It's about a 6 hour drive from here to there, but I had all day so I took my time. Seeing as how it was November 3rd, it wasn't too surprising that the high temperature was around 50 degrees. At some point during my morning drive, I noticed that my dash gauge read 42 degrees Fahrenheit. That may be the coldest temperature that I have ever dropped the top down. But I had to do it. There's nothing like driving down a road in the middle of nowhere immersed in the elements.

There are 5 Great Lakes - Erie, Huron, Michigan, Ontario and Superior. Lake Michigan borders the city of Milwaukee, so I have seen it with my own eyes for pretty much my entire life. During my travels out East I have seen Lake Erie, Lake Huron and Lake Ontario. But despite Lake Superior defining a small portion of the Northern part of Wisconsin, I have never seen her with my own eyes until now. She may be the biggest one of the Great Lakes, but she was one of the most glorious things I have ever seen. You know what they say - bigger is better.





















I had no choice but to wade into those waters. Sure, it was November. Sure, it was around 50 degrees. Sure, I was a little bit mad. I can't deny any of these facts. But I can say that I was just a boy in a convertible passing by that took advantage of the situation and doesn't have any regrets. This was a trip that I needed to take. So when an opportunity came my way, yes was the only word that came to mind.
















Since I had planned on going to Afterglow tomorrow to Rage for Timmy, I needed a place to Rage for Me tonight. I decided that the Lac Vieux Desert Casino in Watersmeet, MI was just the place that would accept a person like me. The drive through Upper Michigan was one of the best of my life. And I've been on a lot of drives, so you know that I'm not kidding you when I say that. There was something about this one that I just needed at this time in my life. And as it happens more times than not, I was in the right place at the right time.








When I checked into the hotel at the Lac Vieux Desert Casino, I should have known that things would not work out well tonight. Truth be told, I was there to gamble, but I was also there to hotel rage. But this hotel did not have breakfast in the morning and the pool was closed for renovations. But I settled in, watched a terrible movie (Another Cinderella Story) as I often do in hotels, got all liquored up and then headed down to the casino floor. And then things took a turn. I got news that a co-worker of mine at Miller Park died in a tragic accident at his day job and I was overcome with incredible sadness. I should have packed it in and gone to bed, but I tried to enjoy the night. But I just couldn't. I was really drunk, feeling terrible about life and I lost a lot of money. A LOT of money. More than I could afford. It ended up being a really bad night. So I quit, grabbed some snacks from the gas station and called it a night.