South Carolina 2011 - The Gameday



I can honestly tell you that this was the most amazing time I ever had at Schooners. And although I can't see into the future, I doubt there will be another time better. That's because we hung out with this old dude named Larry. Yep, the guy peeing on the jeep and talking with Joseph. Kevin and I must have sat around talking with him for over an hour and he told us jokes that can't be repeated. Not because they are inappropriate but because they are too long to remember. Hell, if I didn't record our conversation with him on my phone I'd bet I wouldn't remember all of the specifics of our time spent with him because I was too busy laughing. He's one of those memorable locals that I hope to run into again some day.

Moe's puts all other burritos (and Mexican fast food in general) to shame. Kevin was finally right about something and I was hoping this would elevate his status in this world. I was barely able to finish my burrito and we had enough free chips and salsa to feed the bears.


Yesterday was a very long day followed by a long night. We were kind of dragging this morning so we decided to fill up on some good eats to rejuvenate our systems. I don't know who suggested Moe's (it's like Qdoba but a million times better) but I know Kevin used to go to the one in Pewaukee. I'm down with any place that had Fletch references on the menu (John Coctostan and Fat Sam) and gives free chips and salsa with purchase.















I'm not saying anything that they wouldn't say themselves, and I can say it with all due respect because I'm in the same group - we can start to wear on people after a while. Sometimes it happens quicker than usual but judging from these pictures here I'd say we were being proper and respectful houseguests. We blended in with the overall vibe as we watched the Wisconsin Badgers game on the Internet while we were waiting to head out to Schooners for Gameday. We had to watch the game somewhere, so why not go to the local bar down the street, right?

We didn't really have much planned for today except watch the University of South Carolina Gamecocks football game. That meant plenty of time to kick back, relax and enjoy each other's company. Melissa wasn't sick of us yet, but I bet you we were getting close.





















