Portland February 2015 - Day 2




We went back to Kelly's house to formulate a plan of attack for the day and I caught notice of this sign and it made me laugh. The road in front of her house is more like gravel instead of being paved. I guess it is cheaper to erect this sign than the materials and man hours it takes to complete that project. Makes sense. While I contemplated this, I hung out with Stone and asked her opinion. She had none. So I guess I'm right.
This bar was really cool and laid back. I can appreciate that. It didn't have loud music or tons of people standing nuts to butts. That gave us plenty of time and space to play some pool and talk to each other. Jenny had met up with her friends Jackie and Dan and went to some concert downtown, so I was with Kelly, Sarah and two of her friends (their names escape me now because I'm an asshole). This gave me some time to sit back and talk to Sarah. Like really talk. I won't disclose what we discussed, but I think we both really needed this.



























Portland is as known for their beer as Milwaukee is. You wouldn't know it, but they have more micro/craft breweries per capita than any other city. They are famous for their IPAs. I had some very unique barrel-aged beers at Cascade Brewery. I recommend the Figaro. At 10.7%, it will get you drunk AND make you belt out its' name like an Opera singer. Figaro, Figaro, Figaro, FIIIIIGAAAAAROOO! We then went to this Chinese inspired bar that was filled with hipsters. I ordered a Pabst Blue Ribbon and instantly was welcomed into the local culture. Who would've thought that something I've been doing since I was 18 would gain me instant acceptance. I then put my name on the board to be next on the pool table. I wrote THAT MEAT!!!. You may leave home, but you bring THAT MEAT with you.








We decided to meet up with Sarah again and we went to pick her up at her house. Up until a few weeks ago, Kelly and Sarah lived together at Kelly's house (now she lives alone). Sarah lives in this very cute house next to a stream. If you know her, this is such a Sarah place to live. I sat outside playing guitar and Jenny and Kelly enjoyed the surroundings. It was quite peaceful and was totally what I needed at that time in my life. 









