Orlando Spring Break - Day 5

After the game was over we still had about 3 hours left of sunlight to check out the Atlantic Ocean. We decided to go to Cocoa Beach because it was only 15 miles from Space Coast Stadium. Check out a Yahoo Map of Cocoa Beach and you'll see that it looks like it's an island, but it's technically attached to the Florida mainland so it's more of a peninsula than anything. I've previously mentioned that I last visited Florida in 1997, and back then we went to both the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean. In 2007, it's not that much different than it was 10 years ago.


It was a wee bit cold in Florida in this week of March, which upset me a little bit. But then I decided that it was a whole lot warmer than Wisconsin, so I decided to stop bitching about it and just start enjoying it. The water was very mild, which made us reconsider trying to swim in the ocean, but it was just the right temperature for wading and running around on the beach.
















I've never had a problem with getting wet. Whether it is from a sprinkler, the rain, or from the ocean, I really don't care because it is just water and eventually it dries. That is why I often venture out into the deeper water or walk the streets during a torrential downpour. I never really paid attention in science class, but I'm pretty sure that the human body and the planet Earth are mostly water, so I figured what the hell, I might as well give in to the beast and become one with the water. I went as far as my imagination allowed me to go, which should have been extremely far given the range of my crazy ass mind, but I only went in to my knees, which was somewhat of a disappointment.













The beach was virtually empty aside from this guy who was para-surfing. I don't know if that is the correct term, and to be quite honest with you, I don't feel like checking the Wikipedia for the correct terminology to explain his activities. The only thing that I do know is that it involved a surf board and a parachute. Whatever the case may be, it captivated me and made me want to do it someday.







Jenny and I stopped for dinner and a beachfront restaurant that reminded me of any national chain such as Applebee's or Friday's,  and we stayed long enough to enjoy a drink and a couple of appetizers. It was nice, but not memorable enough to say anything else about or take a picture of us at the establishment. After that, we went back to the beach to walk around and do nothing.











It took a while before we found someone else walking along the beach that we could stop and ask them to take our picture. It's times like this when I realize that the self timer is only good if you have something to set in on. Unfortunately, sometimes you need humans to take the pictures for you. This picture turned out well, and you can tell that Jenny and I had gotten a lot of sun down here in Florida, even though there have been plenty of days devoid of sunlight. The beach was nice, but I've seen better.













It takes about 1 hour to drive from Cocoa Beach to Orlando, so I'm guessing that we left the beach at dusk and returned to Dad's apartment by dark. Since I didn't take any pictures, I assume that we went in the hot tub, consumed a few drinks, then went to bed early in preparation for tomorrow. Why you ask? Because tomorrow we would be spending the day at Universal Studios. Hell yeah.