Batting Practice at Miller Park August 4th 2016




Give me the righty! Give me the Iceman! He can't be any worse than Joe Winkelsas, David Riske, Kameron Loe or Ray King.


















These kids don't have shit on The Iceman. Nice try little pals.






There were people of all ages out there in the outfield shagging fly balls. I had to compete with kids half my age to catch one. Needless to say, I came up short more often than not.

The outfield wall is a lot taller than you think. The baseball players that roam the grassy plains and make highlight worthy catches really deserve all the credit they get. Even while setting up this shot, there was no way Mike could have even caught a ball that I threw at him. I have mad respect for Bo Jackson, Ken Griffey Jr, Robin Yount and all of the other defensive baseball greats that I grew up watching.
Mike was clearly excited to be out here. Can you blame him? What grown-up wouldn't feel like a kid again when given this chance to live out a dream?

That's a big ass scoreboard. Especially when you're right up on it.
Hanging out in the bullpen. Home to such Brewers greats as Derrick Turnbow, Curtis Leskanic and Dan Kolb.



So many Brewers greats have sat out here - Jim Henderson, LaTroy Hawkins, Eric Gagne, Alfredo Figaro and Matt Wise (to name a few). And now Mike Wilhelm.

Roof rage! Behold this majestic beauty!
Miller Park is a beautiful stadium. But it looks so much different from the field as it does from the stands. I've been working here for 15 years and have been to countless games. But this somehow helped me to really appreciate it a whole lot more.
What are you looking towards? The sky? Concentrate on baseball pal!


































Dugout rage! Behold this uhh... guy.















The Miller Park field looks so much different from the dugout. You're right up there in the action. This is what they see.

I watched someone else taking batting practice hoping to get some tips on how to not totally and completely fail.
There is a man and there is the one known as The Iceman. And somewhere in between there is Scott. These are very separate beings that somehow manage to coexist. Like 3 beings in one God (The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit), we are one in the same. Now I'm not comparing myself to an age old religious belief, I'm just phrasing it in a way that most people would understand it.


Mike took some time out of his warm-up to point at the two ladies (his wife Katie and my Mom Kris) who took time out of their day to join us in this adventure. It's a good thing we were able to bring guests. Someone needed to witness this majesty/travesty up close.












Why does this make me think of Jack Parkman in Major League II? Am I that much of an asshole? Iceman doing his little shimmy. It makes the women here in Milwaukee puke. Hey, at least I get some kind of reaction from the ladies. Something is better than nothing.
Sitting or standing at the top of the dugout gave me the feeling that I was going to be the next one called into the game. I could sense that my time was near and they needed the slugger. They needed the Iceman to come in and drive in some runners.








Sitting in the dugout with my Mom, Katie and Mike. It's cool that we were able to bring guests to share in this wonderful experience. It wouldn't be fair if Mike and I were the only ones who got to have an amazing once in a lifetime day at Miller Park.