Minnesota 2008 with Joey Kanz





Attendance at Sunday's game was sparse compared to Friday's and Saturday's games. Since each team had each won 1 game, you'd think that people would tune into this rubber match, but I suppose most people had already begun making the trip back home. We decided to stick it out and enjoy the game, since it had been less than 24 hours since we rolled into town. I wish that I could say that I enjoyed the game (The Brewers got owned by Kevin Slowey of the Twins, who only allowed 3 hits in a complete game shutout, while Ben Sheets got rocked for 5 runs in an eventual 5-0 Brewers loss) but I sure enjoyed the company of the people that I was with. Since there wasn't a whole lot of action on the field, we had plenty of time to sit, chat and catch up with old friends. So at least some good came out of this game today.















Mike and Katie live way up in Northern Minnesota in a town called Blackduck. It's practically in Canada. That's how far North it is. Google Map it if you don't believe me. Luckily Katie's Aunt was out of town for the weekend, and Katie was offered the house to stay in if she were to watch her cat Wilson. When we went inside and saw this tiger, I was taken aback. I offered to give it some lasagna in exchange for it not eating me, and it agreed. But only until it got hungry again. Then all bets were off. Just in case you don't believe how massive this cat was, I asked Joe to hang out with him so that you could see a size comparison. Look at that beast! And look at the cat too! Ha ha! Gotcha Kanz!


We slept in this morning and got a bit of a late start. I wanted to get going so that we could do a little tailgating, but then I remembered that this was Minneapolis, not Milwaukee. There's no big ass parking lot in which to drink outdoors, so I combined 3 Leine's beers into my Mountain Few bottle and drank outside of the bakery where the rest of the kids were eating breakfast. Sure, it was only around 11:00 am, but I was going to a professional sporting event, and it is ok to drink in the morning if you are attending said event. It's in the Geneva Convention. Look it up. Screw egg and cheese breakfast bagels, I've got Leine's Red. It's not even a fair competition. We then drove over to the Metrodome, and Kanz rightly observed that it looks like a giant muffin. So we made fun of it as we approached, and in all honesty, I don't care if we hurt its feelings. It's not my fault that someone designed you to look like a muffin or a cupcake. You're mad at your designer, not me. I forgive you. I know, I know... I hate my designer... But soon (2010) you will be replaced by a real stadium. So it's all good. But if it's not, deal with it.




























I didn't get to spend as much time with Mike and Katie that I had hoped for, but it was understandable considering that we were only in town for 24 hours. Between watching the Brewers/Twins games and catching up with our other friends in Minneapolis, there simply weren't enough hours in the day. But I enjoyed what little time we had, and I hope that they will come down to Milwaukee soon so that we can spend some more time together. It's about 5 1/2 hours from Milwaukee to Minneapolis, and about 5 hours from Blackduck to Minneapolis, so meeting here for the Brewers/Twins game was kind of like meeting halfway. So we killed 2 birds with 1 stone and had ourselves (despite the Brewers losing the series 2-1) a nice little weekend. But I'm almost positive that I'll be back up here next summer from May 22-24. So there'll be another time. I'm sure of that.