June's Blanket often performs at family functions such as Christmas parties, birthdays and special events like graduation parties. Last year was no exception. Jenny figured that 4 years was enough of high school, so she decided to graduate. We had her party on June  29, 2003. We were invited by pretty much ourselves to perform, and we promised our fans a new song. That didn't turn out so well, which I will explain sometime in the next few pages. But our fans turned out for the show, and some (like Amanda and Fiona) even brought along signs proclaiming their love for the band. How cute is that?

Jenny had her friends come over for a party, but they got much more in return. By the looks on their faces in these pictures, I'm not sure how to gauge our performance. Ah well, as long as people keep showing up, we'll keep playing. Heck, we'd probably even play if nobody showed up. We wouldn't be June's Blanket if we didn't. On the left, Kate is inquisitive, which is good I guess. And on the right, Nick looks upset, which is ok too I guess.

I couldn't do this band thing without Tim, he truly is the heart and soul of June's Blanket. Whenever I have doubts about my performance or our songs, or the fact that no one likes us, he always reassures me that we are a great band. It's because of him that we've been together this long. I owe it all to Tim.

But enough of that sappy sentimental stuff. The real reason that we were there is for Jenny. She has always been a huge supporter of June's Blanket, no matter how bad we screw it up. She's been to every June's Blanket concert, and she's always been right up front clapping and singing along. It's because of people like her that we come out and play every day.


Pookon's Lost Archives:

June's Blanket at Jenny's Graduation Party
