Jeremy + Janika's Wedding

James made the rounds and posed for pictures with friends and family members, although I am certain that he wasn't the only one. You just do that sorta thing at weddings... On the left James can be seen with best freind Jeremy and on the left with "brother" Fernando.

Taking pictures is just something that you do at weddings, and this one was no exception. Kris and Cari posed for one on the left (although they weren't looking at my camera.) Jenny took a minute to stand and smile with our "brother" Fernando, and all was well in weddingland once again.

Jenny and I had plenty of time to goof around in the UW-Madison Union (where the reception was being held) so we wandered around. I decided to go downstairs and check out the Beefeaters room, because I do in fact eat beef and I belong there.

As one of the best mans (or best men) James got to give a little speech and say a little something. I don't remember exactly what he said but it was humorous.

I thought that it looked funny for me to be sitting all alone at a table made for 8, and it turned out, it really didn't. What do I know about funny anyway? The standard for humor has dropped so much that nothing is funny anymore.

Jeremy was making the rounds as well, and stared at me while I was taking pictures. Katie thought that this was a bad idea, but I don't really pay attention to anybody anymore.
