Jeremy and Janika's Wedding

All of this was taking place at a bar in Madison. Which bar? Oh, I have no idea, but it was pretty nice and they had real good hamburgers and fries. Someday I'll find out so that I can go back. We played darts, and Mom and Jenny were having lots of fun.

We played a darts game involving all of us, I think it was cricket, and it took nearly the entire time we were at the bar to finish that one game. Gary definitely stole the show with his accuracy but Cari was a formidable opponent as well. 

There was little time for me to put on a show because everyone else was just playing so well that they stole my spotlight. Luckily for them I am terrible at darts.

In this particular game, Kris needed that many (the amount that the dart landed on) to win the game. Of course, using her Mom powers, she hit it and beat us. Grrrr.

Jenny was looking oh too cute playing this little game, and I took as many chances as possible (including this one) to tell her that. She's got  wicked throw too, so I definitely wouldn't want he hurling things at me.

No matter how old I get, I still giggle at things that are juvenile, like silly words and pictures like this. If this doesn't make you laugh then you've grown up too much and you don't appreciate quality humor. Boo.
