Iceman Celebration Day 2018 - The House on the Rock




There is a part during the Original House and Gate House section where you get to go outside on top of a patio. From here you can see how high you are and how beautiful the surrounding area is. This really is in the middle of nowhere, which made for a perfect place to build a house if you are an eccentric recluse like Alex Jordan Jr. I can get down with almost everything he did here (more on that later).
The next section was the Streets of Yesterday, which reminded me a lot of the Milwaukee Public Museum's Streets of Old Milwaukee and the European Village exhibits. This part was really cool because for a minute I totally forgot that I was indoors because the buildings, trees, lighting and atmosphere makes you feel like you have been transported somewhere else. I don't know what kind of madman created this place, but the charm of it all was certainly working on me. I'm always down for a little time traveling back to the days of yore.
From here you can see how big the entire complex is, which is kind of difficult to do from the inside and on the ground. As previously mentioned, it is built into its surroundings, so the trees and rocks camouflage it. Also the inside is built like a museum/maze with so many twists and turns that make you disorientated and unable to figure out where you are. But for now, I knew exactly where I was.


























This place had a real Zen-like feel to it, which I am sure was very intentional. I for one felt very relaxed, but that could have been because of the gummies. All I know is after being instead the darkened, cramped and smelly spaces of the OG House, it was nice to get some sunlight and fresh air. But the tour must go on as we still had 2 more sections of the House to view before we exited this place of strange madness.










One thing that I can say about this place was that it is very unique. There aren't too many places that are this weird but also very normal at the same time. It is strange to have this kind of glass work and natural light sources mixed in with 70's decor and rocks jetting out of the walls. If not for the insane prices and people constantly touring the property, I would put in a request to stay here for a week or maybe an extended weekend. But I don't think that is in the plans for a person of average societal standing like me, so I will just have to make due with the allotted time we had during our tour. One of the nice things is that you could explore the house at your leisure and no one was pushing you to walk faster or get out of any room/area. I did appreciate that. No one tells me what to do damn it!



















The cool crisp spring air was refreshing after being inside the stale stank of the House. I'm making a big deal about it but I doubt it really is that bad. There was an odor that hung in the air but it was hardly enough to be THAT noticeable. But I did like being back outside because the gardens were real pretty and I bet they would look even better in a few week's time once all the leaves and flowers actually grow back. That was the only thing I might change if I come back here again. There would be so much more life as Summer approaches.
















Sprinkled throughout this section were mechanically operated musical instruments. We were given a handful of coins to play these machines and we used them on anything that looked like a good time - like this banjo. And even though it was slightly out of tune, it still was a good time.





We started the 2nd section of the Tour, which made for a good opportunity to go on the bathroom ride. When I went into the Men's room, this was the urinal situation. I'm glad that I was the only one in there because peeing face to face with another dude would have been too much for me. I have bad enough stage fright as it is, so this definitely wouldn't have worked. Besides, everyone knows that there needs to be a buffer, right?