Afterglow 2008 - Day 6 Thursday













Although Kevin has dove and flipped of off the high board, he can't hold a candle to James' accolades. And I'm not just saying that because James is my brother, I'm saying it because it is the honest truth. Kevin would probably agree with me. It's common knowledge.








I don't know who was taking these pictures, because I can see my head sticking out of the water in a couple of the pictures, but whoever did took a ton of them. Thankfully a digital camera gives you the luxury of doing that and picking out the best for your personal collection. My collection is this here website, since I never really print any of them out to hang on the walls or stuff them in a scrapbook. We were out there to coerce Faith into jumping off the high dive again, and although it took a little while, she eventually did it and loved every second of it.


James is highly regarded in by all as the master of Afterglow athletic events, and he continues to show why by putting everyone else to shame. He's the only one of us kids that can and will do a dive off the high board. Bow down to the Afterglow sports master!

























I don't know who brought these two toys up here, but I do know that they were the goofiest looking things that I've ever seen. And the plastic inflatable animals were goofy looking too. Ha ha! Bet you saw that one coming! I've just become way too predictable in my writing style and joke telling that you could see that one coming a mile away. But you still waited for it because you love it. Just like Tim and Kevin loved these floatation rides. And how could you not?

I'm not the authority on Afterglow rules (the Redbook is) but I think what Tim is doing is illegal. You can jump off the side of the high dive, but you have to jump straight out and not to the side. For if you jump to the side, you run the risk of hitting the dock below. He better watch it, because he could get thrown in Afterglow jail, or worse - banned from the high dive for the rest of his life. No man deserves that fate for a minor violation of the rules, but Tim decided to play it safe by jumping straight off the board this time. No use risking lifetime banishment.









We watch movies too much. And not only that, but we watch the same movies too much and quote those movies too much. Anyone who has ever hung out around us know that we have an unhealthy obsession with Tommy Boy and every Will Ferrell movie. In this picture, Kevin is doing the Chazz Michael Michaels move from Blades of Glory when he points to Jimmy MacElroy in the crowd and gives him a little taste of his medicine. That's what we do.