California Spring Break (Day 5)



Today was the first boring day out here. You see, adults need to work so that they can buy me things, and let me stay at their house. So Craig and Dad had to go to work, leaving me alone at the house to watch Price is Right. Thankfully, Craig came home around lunch so that we could take his BMW (pictured) to the auto shop to have his wheels changed. His new wheels weren't working out, so he was going to put the factory ones back on. I got to follow behind him on the freeway driving his GMC Envoy, which was awesome. The day before, we had talked about rich snobby people and the fact that they didn't use regular glasses, they just used a monocle. I laughed about that forever, but not as much as when I saw this magazine in the waiting area at the auto shop. 














We leave to go back to Craig's house, and he says don't worry, just follow me. What he forgot is that he is used to driving on the California freeways, and I am not. It was a challenge to keep up with him, as he kept drifting further and further away. But my West Coast attitude and video game racing intuition kicked in, and I was following his car like the police.













I was bored, so I went for a walk around Craig's 'hood. All of the stores in Craig's neighborhood had Chinese letters on them as well as English ones. This puzzled me greatly. I deliberated over it for eons, but then Craig told me that this area was populated by a strong portion of Asian-Americans, so then I understood.
















I was hungry, and Craig really didn't have any good food (he didn't even have frozen pizza), so I went to one of the 5 fast food joints within the 5 block radius. I'd tell you which one, but then that would negate the trivia on the next page. Not like you can't tell what I'm eating from the picture though... I did see this cool banner hanging from the streetlights, and it may just be me, but I found this to be quite amusing. For those of you that don't know, Pantera is a metal band that has been entertaining it's devoted fans through it's um... 'music' since 1990.


















After me delicious meal, I walked for at least 2 miles. I found this place that looks out over the freeway, and I stood and watched the cars go by. We didn't really do much the rest of the day. Dad and Craig both ended up working late, so by the time they got home, it was really too late to do anything at all. So that was my Day 5, not as good as the others, but definitely better than anything I would have been doing in the cold March weather in Wisconsin.