I should never have found out about the dual-camera function on my phone. This has allowed me to put my head in a bubble multiple times already on this trip and it would not be stopping anytime soon. Lord help us all. This riverfront park area was definitely a welcomed surprise and ended up being a very memorable time. I always appreciate an unexpected adventure. |
Adventures await when you step outside. They also exist where you least expect them to be. Especially when they are no part of the plan. I might have had some good Ocean pics for you if that is where we ended up today. But instead I have some of the most picturesque images I have ever captured. I love these shots and the cloudy day only added to the overall feeling of the day. |
There is nothing like a wooden bridge. I've been across many bridges in my life and all of them have something a little special about them. But a bridge made out of wood is something special. I can't quite explain it in a way that makes sense if you don't get it. But I feel a certain connection. That made crossing this passage so much different than the half wood structure you saw earlier. |
The Carolinas March 2015 - Riverfront Park |
We walked along this river path for quite sometime, unsure of where it lead to. Once we passed underneath the freeway, I knew that we had gone too far. But I was still willing to press on in search of the next adventure. That was until I saw a sign that said to beware of Alligators. I had no idea that they inhabited these waters. I thought that they were native only to Florida and the bayou region. Had I known that these prehistoric creatures were present, I would have stayed as far away from this place as humanly possible. But yet, here I was. |
I was checking out Google Maps and I was almost certain that we could continue along this path and circle around back towards our car. Well this wouldn't be the first time, but Google Maps was wrong. Kind of. This path did continue, but there was a fence blocking our path. I figured this was some kind of restricted area where only certified personnel were allowed to enter. Turns out I was partially correct. Which part? Moving on... Jenny Reck found this flower and put it in her cap. Why would someone do that? Look here pal - when the mood strikes, you just do what you gotta do. |
Since the path ended, we had to walk all the way back from whence we came in order to get back across the river to higher grounds. Although it was quite a long walk, it was totally worth it when we walked up some stairs and checked out the view. There were some historical markers along the riverwalk and I found out that there used to be a Prison here. That's why this area had high stone walls and bordered the river, making for a difficult escape. This had been converted to a park with green space and fountains. I had no problem with that at all. If there is a 4th R (in addition to reduce, reuse and recycle) then it should be repurposing. Defintely. |
I've already made it abundantly clear that water is one of my most favorite things in the World. I suppose then I join the other 6 billion people in the World who count this liquid life source as one of their favorite things. So I guess I'm not unique at all. Or at least when it pertains to this interest. Luckily I'm unique in so many other ways that I have enough to set me apart from the rest. But I know a couple of people who share my affinity for fountains and playing on and around them. That's why I hang out with these goofballs. |
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