California 2K3 - Day 4 (Page 1)
Day 4 started like usual - we slept in, ate breakfast, then got dressed. We really didn't do much after that. We discussed going out to Palm Springs for the night, but Tim and I wanted to stay with the family because we were planning on going to the beach tomorrow (Day 5.) We sat around not doing much, and suddenly, it was 2:30 pm. We still hadn't left the house yet (but that didn't stop everyone else, because Tim, Mom and Me were the only ones at the house. So we did what all people do when they are bored - we went to Wal-Mart. Yeah, I'm not kidding. Mom wanted to buy some stuff, so off we went. I forgot to bring my camera battery, so there are no pictures from there. "So what?" you probably say, "Who cares about you shopping at Wal-Mart?" Tim and I were really bored, and were browsing around in the Christmas stuff, which was up to 75% off, and we started goofing around. I started it out by bashing Tim in the head with a roll of wrapping paper. We then sprayed fake snow on some boxes, then Tim sprayed some on my back. Tim then grabbed a foot-and-a-half Christmas Sausage, and poked me in the rear. I don't remember how I got him back for that one, but I'll settle the score someday. We then played with those huge bouncy balls that they keep in that upright bin, and rolled them down the toy isles. We played with a bike horn, and Tim honked it in our Mom's ear. She didn't laugh. After all of these shenanigans, we bought some things and went home. Only we really didn't feel like going home, so we took Mom to the mountain pass.
Tim was allowed to drive, for reasons that weren't available to me at that time. He had the driving experience, but it is well known that my Mom doesn't like it when any of us kids drive (she fears riding in cars with us, I have no idea why. My driving record is clean.) But Tim knew the way, and grabbed hold of the wheel on 10 and 2, and took us on an excursion through the mountains.
I got to ride in the back (I actually called it so that we wouldn't run into any trouble) and my Mom Kris rode shotgun. That was fine with me because I was able to stick my arm out of the window and photograph those two riding in the front of the car. It's hard to see through the reflection, but Tim has a goofy look on his face, much as he always does. And Kris is excited, but that would soon change as we went further into the mountainous void.
I wanted to take a group shot courtesy of the self timer, but I somehow screwed it up and took this picture. Either that or I was going for a classic pose that many of you should be familiar with by now. I have no idea why my hair looks funny, but I think it's cause we went in the pool in the morning. How else can I explain the gap in time between when we woke up (like 10:00 am) and when we went to Wal-Mart and the mountain pass (4:00 pm.) What could we have possibly done to pass the 6 hours? The process of deduction allows me to make an assumption that we swam in the pool, and that is why my hair it matted down. I should be a scientist. And then we posed for a group shot, with all of us dressed in a Sunday best at the bend in the road. Tim parked the car in someone's driveway. Yes, people actually live up here, which is way too cool for me to even start dreaming about. We had our backs towards oncoming traffic, hoping that we weren't about to be obliterated by a mini van swerving around the curve. I was ready to dive out of the way Matrix-style (in slow motion like a ninja complete with explosions and gunshots) at a moments notice. Can't say the same for Tim and Kris though, cause they still exist in a world governed by rules, which is why they will never be as fast and as strong as I will be. That's because of who I am. I am the One.