California 2K3 - Day 3 (Page 5)


There obviously was no lifeguard on duty, so I stood up on the tower wearing my sunglasses and looked professional. I scanned the surface of the water for any innocent children (ok, who am I kidding - women in bathing suits) that were being eaten by sharks (Samuel L. Jackson style) so that I can save them. All in a day's work for Scott A. Reck - lifeguard extraordinaire. 

Since I was the acting lifeguard on duty, I had to cover up the "No" to make the sign read "Lifeguard on Duty", for now there was one. People follow signs. This was the final picture as we left the beach, for this was what I saw while on the tower. I call this the "saving lives" perspective. 

When we got home, Tim and Mom decided to jam out for a while. Tim wanted to do some soloing while someone played chords. I wasn't good enough to go fast enough for him, so he enlisted Mom to back him up. They did a wonderful job (you can her them play on the video on the next page) and even Michelle and Bailey came by to watch these two guitar legends duet until the sun came up the next day. (They didn't really play that long because we wanted to conclude the night like we do every one out there - with a relaxing dip in the hot tub.)

The pool (or the cold pool as I call it, as opposed to the hot tub, which I call the hot pool. Funny how that works out) was still and the palm trees reflected nicely on it's calm surface. The picture didn't turn out as well as in real life, but believe me, it was nice.

The hot pool has a weird effect on the body where it makes you sleepy, really sleepy. It's like a hypnotist without the pocket watch. That didn't bother Tim at all, because tired was the exact thing that he was looking to get out of the precious hour before bed.
