California 2K3 - Day 3 (Page 4)
The picture on the left is just a larger version of the one that I talked about on the last page. This one I kind of liked better because you are able to see the imprint that the retreating water has left on the sand. The wet sand also reflects the sun's light, and all of the beautiful colors that come along with it. All I ask is that you sit and stare at this picture, and allow yourself to be transported to a place where you can relax and feel good about everything. The moon even came out to greet us, signaling the arrival of the night.
Much like Ernest Hemmingway's classic novel "The Old Man and the Sea", Tim and I looked upon the great marvel that inspired Hemmingway to write about the plight of Santiago, an old Cuban fisherman, struggling to stay alive while being harassed by sharks attempting to steal his catch of an enormous Marlin. Staring into the sea, it was then that I realized that I never read that book, and that I have no idea what I am talking about. I just used the Hemmingway reference as a cheap ploy to make me look more intelligent.
Craig came back just in time to demonstrate why he is our hero (look at how cool he looks standing on the beach) and to take a group photo with us. I couldn't have asked for a better way to spend the day than with my two best buddies Tim and Craig.
It's no secret that you can imprint things into wet sand, and that they will stay long enough for you to look upon them until that water comes and washes it away. C'mon folks, that's common knowledge. I was the first one to actually put this into practice, taking a hint from my t-shirt (I heart, like the I heart NY one) and adapted it to fit into the west coast culture. Sure, I was making a broad assumption that all of California hearts, but I spoke personally with Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, and he assured me that he would pass a law in California that would make it necessary to heart or else face Collateral Damage by the very hands of Gov. Schwarzenegger. I'm not going to argue with the star of Junior, so what Arnold says goes. Tim decided to pay tribute to the person that he loves the most, Styx front man Tommy Shaw. I know he has this Styx obsession, but am I the only weirded out that he drew Tommy Shaw's name in a heart?