California 2K3 - Day 3 (Page 2)
This picture is destined to be on the cover of one of Tim's CD's someday, that is if I still have an opinion by the time that he becomes famous. I'd like to think that we (June's Blanket) would still be together.
Tim would love to stand proud and tell you that he fears nothing, but that would be untrue. Tim is afraid of the Ocean, particularly the creatures that inhabit it. Knowing that, you now have no reason to doubt why Tim is fleeing from the incoming water.
Here is Tim and Craig from the vantage point of my own two eyes on the left, then zoomed in with the assistance of technology on the right. Pop quiz - which of the two pictures show two cool guys enjoying a merry afternoon at the beach? It's a trick question because both pictures would be the correct answer.
This is Tim post-Sand Dune Flip. In case you were wondering what that is, you can view the video on the next page. Whilst flipping, Tim's glasses fell off of his face, and ended up spending some time in the sand.
I wanted a picture of me like the one of Tim at the top of this page, but for some reason, mine didn't come out as cool as Tim's. Guess you need to be a rock star in order to look cool in pictures.
I sat Indian-style on the beach (sorry, Native-American-style, when I was in kindergarten, no one worried about being politically incorrect) and watched the sun set on another lovely day in So. Cal. On the right is a picture of the sun reflecting off of the Oceanside houses, which I thought was kind of cool. The glare would really cut into afternoon TV watching time, but for a house on the Pacific Ocean, warm weather, and beautiful sunsets, I'd be willing to make a few sacrifices and skip watching Oprah every afternoon.