The Park and Christmas Day



Me, just chillin' in a chair. That pretty much sums up Christmas. We did more chillin' than an icicle in your freezer.


Jenny and I riding on Dinosaur Neil. The camera was on top of the slide, so I had to push the button and run to the dinosaur in order to make the picture.


Christmas 2001







Me goofing around on the slide. After I slid down, I had tons of static electricity, so I could shock people like madness. That was a cool slide yo.





Making a scary dinosaur face, just like Dinosaur Neil. Trust me though, Neil is really cool, not scary.


We named this Dinosaur Neil, after Jaye's boyfriend. Check out our shadows. Cool.


I gave Jenny this ET for Christmas. It says Beee Goood, and burps, and screams when you shake him. He comes with pizza and beer cans. Yeah.

We celebrated Christmas at our Uncle's House. His house is up on this hill, but we took a picture from the opposite way. This cool plant was kinda blocking the lens of the camera.



Jenny, just chillin' in our Uncle's Hot tub, which is awesome. It was quite warm that day. Like 65/70 degrees or something. Cool.



