Me goofing around in the restroom. I like taking pictures in mirrors. Reflections are cool. 
Stuck in Milwaukee



Relaxing during my multi-hour stay in the Milwaukee airport. There were these Grannies sitting on a couch near me, and they were laughing cause I was taking pictures. Grannies can be so silly sometimes. 

Finally boarding the plane at 7:00. Compare this picture to the 1st picture on the next page. 














As always, goofing around with the self timer.






I title this picture F#*%!&$ United. I will no longer fly this airline, after all the hardships they put me through. 


Goofing around once again, on that little moving walkway in the terminal. Man that thing is pathetic. 








Well, to understand these pictures, you'd need to understand me. Whereas that would take thousands of words (in essay format or course) I'm only going to give you what you need to understand these pictures. I got to the airport at 3:00. My flight from Milwaukee to Denver was supposed to leave at 5:00. It didn't leave until 7:00. So I had plenty of time to kill. 









