Brewers vs. Nationals in Washington D.C. - Tourist Shit



Although we don't really care about learning or looking at historical stuff, we went to the American History Museum because we were looking for C3P0. We figured that this would be the place to look, because nothing says American History like a gay robot from space. And although I'm not big on learning, I am big on doing tourist shit and taking awesome pictures. When we came upon this exhibit that focused on the invention of the light bulb and electrical lighting in general, we had to stop because the signage outside said Lighting A Revolution. And know how much we love the Revolution. We didn't go inside and check out the exhibit though, we just stood outside of it and put our fists in the air. Just like you would do.














This is some kind of trolley car or something. One of the early forms of public transportation at least. These businessmen and associates looked like they knew where they were going, so I stood on the curb waiting to board. But then we all just sat there. So much for businessmen of this country leading the Nation in the right direction.

Kevin saw this sailor taking a gander at a brand new (for the time period we had wandered in to) automobile. I'm guessing he was in port for a few days and would not be able to buy the car because he couldn't take it back on the boat. But that doesn't mean he couldn't dream.


Once we came across these mannequins in period attire we almost forgot about our quest for C3P0. This one with reminded me of William H. Macy. He's one of few people I know who can rock a sweet trench coat with matching hat. Now he is a national treasure.












If I was transported back to the 1800's like Marty McFly, I'm pretty sure that this family would have taken care of me. The little girl was instantly smitten with me and held my hand as we waited for the train. And since there is nothing weird about me, her parents were alright with it. I look after my little sister. No one messes with that kid.

We didn't read any of the plaques next to the exhibits because reading is for babies. So I will make my own assumption of what we were looking at. This vehicle is one of the very first short buses, which is why Kevin fit in so well next to the Dad dropping off his daughter. Kevin is such a special little boy. Good for you Kevin.














I have taken thousands of pictures in the 8 years I've had a digital camera, but none of them have been as perfect as this one. I don't know what a Chinaman has to do with American History, but Kevin and his sombrero could have easily taken his place in this exhibit if the statue ever decided to call it quits and look for a new job.
















Victory was ours! After wandering around the museum for around an hour, we finally found C3P0! I'm a huge Star Wars nerd, so seeing this in person was like a dream come true. I didn't even care if it was just a replica and not the real costume, anything from Star Wars is enough to get my motor running. Since we were at the Museum of American History, we got a lot of weird looks from the other tourists for wearing sombreros. But we didn't care because to us it doesn't matter what other people think of us. We're just as American as everyone else in this country is, except that we are born-again Mexicans. But deep down inside we are still red, white and blue.