Alpine Valley - Phish Concert






























You can already tell that by this point I already gotten more sun (remember this is the month of June) that I had all year long that day. The night was starting to draw in, and the combination of not eating, not drinking water, and extreme exposure to the sun was starting to wear me down by sunset. The best part was that it was about 9:00 pm, and I still had over 5 hours of work to go... 

I was sent to work up at "A" frame, which looks just like it is described. The only job there is to regulate which cars go in and out of the resort, and to direct theater patrons down the road to the lot entrances. Oh, and you get to carry a sweet walkie talkie. I'm not kidding, that is the best way to describe the job.

Me and Jonathon were supposed to set up flares and direct cars out of the lot, which we did, but I think that we did it wrong because we got yelled at again. Me and Jonathon hit it off from the beginning, and we were best buds out there in the road, and I got his back man.

This was during what I soon titled "the longest drive home of my life." Driving an hour to home at 3 in the morning after 15 hours of work in the sun is tough. I almost fell asleep every single time I made that ride this summer.
