Afterglow 2012 - Day 2 Sunday |
I don't mean this as an insult to Brian, Kevin and Jenny, but with all due respect, Eddie and Mom are the real Scrabble Masters. I've watched some of their games before (I know, Scrabble is not a spectator sport) and they can get heated. |
Everybody rages in their own way and there is nothing wrong with that. If Eddie chooses to hang inside and read a magazine then I support that. Vacation is whatever you want it to be. |
Foosball is a big deal to a lot of people, which is why you can find it in a lot of bars and man caves. I get it but I'm not exactly a spokesman for the game. I hope that Tommy + Stacy are. |
While Kevin was playing Brian by sleeping, Brian was playing Kevin by using words. Granted it was in Scrabble and not poetry and blog entries, but see what I mean about being mimics? |
Kevin was doing is best Brian impression and it was spot on. Of course that was to be expected because as life partners they have spent enough time together to become perfect mimics. |
Now that Kevin was awake they could join forces to become the most random Scrabble team of all time. Anyone who has read Kevin's blog and Brian's Facebook rants knows what I'm saying. |
But all things must come to end and eventually the cabin couldn't hold Brian any longer. The call of nature was persistent and he could no longer resist answering it. And that's why he's outside. |
There's this secret to raging and I'll share that with you - nap and rally. I guess it's only important if you are old like me and can't nonstop rage all day. With the nap you can rest up, recharge and rage again later in the day. It's necessary for me these days. |