Afterglow 2012 - Day 4 Tuesday



I guess now is the time to tell you that today, Day 4 Tuesday, was the designated drunk day at Afterglow. We didn't set out to make it happen it just started with a few beers and steamrolled from there. This usually happens once per year but will never be as good as 2010 and the day with the Fish. If you don't remember that day don't feel bad - I don't remember it either. But today Curtis brought a little cooler of beer out to the HD and the shenanigans started. But don't worry Mothers. It was all in good fun.

When I got back to the beach there was a large gathering of young kids who probably weren't allowed to leave the shallow end. I had no idea what was going on but I was hoping that it wasn't the uprising of the youth against the elders.




















There's a lot of ideas that come to mind when you have been drinking. Sometimes you are rewarded with a genius pearl of an idea but for the most part it is something that you regret later on when you sober up. This one was a little bit of both. Curtis and Kevin decided that it would be a good idea for Curtis to "spear" Kevin in the style of former WCW and WWE Wrestler Bill Goldberg. While I do think this makes for a wildly entertaining pictographic story it was pretty dangerous and someone could have gotten hurt.




























Today was a perfect day. The sun was out, the water was warm, the mugs were filled and everyone was hanging out by the lake having a great time. I don't know when the elections took place but it appears that Gary was appointed the honorary chairman of the day. Or something like that because it seemed like everyone wanted to hang out with him. The general public didn't have to award him with a fake title to get people to hang out with him. Gary is awesome. Men and women alike flock to his side like creatures of the sky.















While we do bring a cooler out to the HD I prefer to go with some rum or tequila. Beer is such a cheer but liquor is quicker. I went back to the cabin for a refill and if you can't tell from the picture let me just say it - I was good and drunk at this point in the day.