Afterglow 2014 - Day 6 Thursday



Every year we play in the horseshoe tournament. Mom and I have even been lucky/good enough several years to win the whole damn thing. It's supposed to be played throughout the week, but we're so busy having fun that we often forget to play until Thursday night. So we had to rush to get in our game against Brandon and Jenny. It's hard to bring your game face when you are facing family, but all's fair in love and horseshoes. Or is it close only counts in war and hand grenades? Oh hell, I don't know these silly things.
Even though Mom hit a ringer and basically carried us in the Championship game, I didn't show up. We were no match for the Man on Man Team we were facing. If this was a Worldwide Horseshoe Federation sanctioned event, I might have protested this game on account of unfairness by the other team. Everyone knows it is supposed to be mixed pairs. Man on Man should be illegal here at Afterglow. But I'm not going to sit here and whine about technicalities. Sometimes you plat the game. Sometimes the game plays you.













I can't give you a play by play on how our game against Jenny and Brandon went. Not only was I not there at the time (I blame the booze), but as I'm writing this, it's been like 10 months since that match. So the only thing that I remember is that we beat those suckers and advanced to the next round. We were going to the championship game again.






















We had a good crowd of cousins, family, friends and randoms out to support us. You would think that there was something better to do tonight. After all, we were in Afterglow. In Swahili, it is known as "The Land of a Thousand Possibilities." But tonight, it seemed like the entire resort was out to watch the Horseshoe Championship. It must have been the Happy Hour appetizers Gail offered. Because I'm sure that I wasn't the main draw that brought people out. No one in their right mind would waste their free time on me.

































The final game is a blur. So are these pictures. But when I think about it, my entire life is a blur. When I get to tomorrow, it will be so hard to remember yesterday because so much has happened since then. So how can I be expected to remember what happened during this game? I'd have to be a worldly scholar or an elephant to recall those memories. But I'm just a guy, so it's best to sit back and not worry about it.