Afterglow 2014 - Day 4 Tuesday


We stopped at the gas station so that Jenny could get some air in her tires. Kevin and Brandon took turns popping out of the car like those little bastards in the whack-a-mole game. I had the mallet and I was swinging like a banshee, pumping my allowance (in quarter form) into the machine, ever hopeful to send those moles back from whence they came. Those moles won again. They always do.  After picking up the necessary supplies, we drove back to Afterglow, making faces along the way. That's what happens when you go to town.

When we woke up this morning, Brandon was wearing his dickey and not much else. While this may seem a little weird to the outside world, this is actually a pretty normal morning at Afterglow. Half the morning is spent recovering from the mega rage that was the day before. But there is no better way to recover than with this view and some Lucky Charms.

We must have been waiting for the rest of the gang to show up before we went in the water. Because as soon as they arrived, we prepared ourselves for the HD and we quickly moved towards the water. Things were about to get a lot more interesting now that we were all together. It's a very common occurrence. One that I'm proud to say happens quite often around these parts.











After breakfast I went across the street to see what Kevin was up to. So many thoughts crossed my head as what he could be up to, but none of them involved playing the ukulele. This kid never ceases to amaze me. But he dropped everything to go to town.



I'm not sure when Brandon bought this jug of Carlo Rossi, but I do know that it doesn't last too long when you let these hooligans get a hold of it. Drinking it straight from the bottle will do that. Bottoms up pal! Pay close attention to this moment because this is where things go terribly awry. Yes, I know this is early in the morning. But when you're all the sudden at KK wondering what happened to the day, you can connect the dots, retrace your steps and figure out this was the kick in the ass that started the rage.











Now Jenny Reck is getting all up in the Rossi? Game over man. Game over. There are some things that you just don't do Brandon. I thought you would have known this by now. Well, I;m washing my hands. This is your problem now.

















You know what I have in my hand? No? Not even a guess? Come on pal. Try just a little bit harder to come up with something. What did you just say? Yell it out a little bit louder. Say it loud. Say it proud. Because I've got SOME OF THAT MEAT!!!!!!!!!!




















Pictures of us hanging out on the beach are pretty rare, so I am fortunate to have a few to share with you. We just don't do it enough to be captured in this environment. I'm not knocking anyone who enjoys lounging in a chair or in the sand. I agree that it is a perfectly acceptable way to spend the afternoon. But when we go the lake we just usually bypass the beach and go straight to the HD.

Curtis was approaching the beach wearing swim trunks, drinking a beverage and carrying a cooler with extra drinks. I'm lucky to have him in my family. Some people just know how to party.
























If I had to go into battle, then we would almost certainly lose the war because I'm not very good at fighting. If that was the sick reality we were forced to live in, I would choose to fight alongside these characters. I'm certain that we wouldn't last long, but at least we would die laughing. At the end of a life, that's what's important right? That you got to spend time with the people who make you laugh.







We have to make several beer/booze runs during the week because we drinks a bit at Afterglow. We were last here on Saturday but our supply had since run out. So Brandon voyaged into the walk-in cooler to restock & reload for some more rage.



Stacy and Tommy were wearing breathable fabrics, using proper equipment and playing tennis. I'm lucky to have them in my family. Some people just know how to party.