Afterglow 2014 - Day 3 Monday



Before we knew it, the Pot Luck dinner had arrived. It was time for the entire resort to gather together and share a bountiful meal. But before we could chow down and get all up in THAT MEAT!!!, we had to get some pleasantries out of the way. As is customary before every Afterglow Potluck, we went from cabin to cabin and introduced ourselves and told everyone how long we had been coming to Afterglow. After that was finished, Gail invited all those that graduated this year to come forward. Mom was pretty damn excited to hang out with the youths up front. And why not? Graduating college is one hell of an achievement. And I would know...

The graduates got to go through line first (because of their recent accomplishment), which allowed them to get first crack at this bounty. They're pretty lucky. Makes me wish I graduated again. Stacy and Mom happily dined while awaiting their table mates.










I don't know who took this picture because I obviously wasn't paying attention. I'm fully immersed in what I was doing. And Melissa is looking at something off screen. Why were James and Mom the only ones told that a picture was being taken?











The Sombreros were once again out in full force for the Pot Luck dinner. Years ago we did the same thing but I can't seem to locate which year it was. Perhaps I've gotten forgetful in my old age. Or I'm too lazy to look. But can it be both? Of course!





Despite this being a rather small resort, there wasn't nearly enough table seating for everyone. So cabin #6's gang (with Stacy subbing in for Tommy) gathered together some chairs and random side tables and made lemons out of lemonade.







Gail randomly draws numbers so that different tables get to go at different times. Well at least she claims that it is random. I know she does it on purpose to keep some of us down. That's what the man always does. Keep us down. So I sat on the sidelines and watched everyone else fill their plates with delicious food that I wouldn't be able to sample. At least Susie and Curtis (and later Tommy) were real good sports about it as they laughed in my general direction without rubbing it in. My day will come. You just watch me dude.















It was getting kind of lonely there at the end of the line, so I asked a couple of my buddies to spice it up a little bit. They responded with a joyful Sombrero selfie that rocked the internet and got a million hits. Well, not ed zachary a million, but I'd like to think that some people out there saw what we were up to and liked it. Eventually we were able to grab some grub, but as you can see a lot was already gone. Sadness...










There was plenty of food left by the time the end of the line gang got to eat, so it wasn't like we were worse off for being there. Besides, there was still a couple of pieces of THAT MEAT!!!! which Kevin put in his mouth. There was plenty of everything for us to put in our mouths. This was the Pot Luck Dinner pal. Out of choice (or out of respect for the other guests) we sat over on the benches away from the paying customers as not to disturb their dinners. How could you engage in friend and family conversation with us present?






