Afterglow 2003 - Day 8 (page 33)





























I only took three pictures on day 8, for the last day at Afterglow always tends to be a little more low key than the other 7 days. It's always wake up early, pack, clean up, and drive 5 hours home. Stop along the way for lunch is also a necessity. It's also the say good bye to all of your friends that you won't see for another year day. That's always the hardest part. The Dale's didn't look excited about waking up early, nor do they look eager to leave. I tried to spark their day with my presence, but not even that could propel them from the doom in which they were residing that early morn.

In case you were wondering what had happened to Dale's Dale glasses - here they are!! Seems that he had left them in the car the whole week - maybe on purpose? Why would he do such a thing? The kids around here idolize him, and those glasses were beginning to make a comeback. All hail Dale, wearer of the glasses of power. Let's hop that he remembers to bring them out for next year's festivities. Please everyone let Dale know that he and his glasses are the coolest, so that we don't have a repeat incident of the Afterglow of 2003. 

The Big 3 were all packed up and ready to go, signifying the final nail in the Afterglow 2003 coffin. We parted ways with each other but did not cry. We were certain that it would not be too long before we set eyes upon each other again. Gary's look of confusion added a new element to the equation, as I am still unable to decipher his thoughts based upon that look. Beege looks inquisitive, and Kevin just looks sad. But cheer up little guy, there's always next year. You can bet your bottom dollar on that one.





Well, that's it for the 2003 Afterglow season. This last update is posted on November 22, nearly 4 months since I returned home from this trip. I've had the time to reflect upon it, and that time has allowed me to make a more insightful commentary. Thanks for sticking with m through this process. As you can see, this year's adventure had more pictures than last year's, and we also saw the introduction of the video. There is a total of 33 pages of pictures (with 6-8 pictures on each page) and 35 videos, so being finished is a great load off of my back. Thanks a lot for visiting, and enjoy everything else on here! - Scott A. Reck


