Afterglow 2003 - Day 7 (page 29)
James promised us that he would dazzle us with daring exploits of insatiable delight. He then proceeded to climb atop the high dive and propel himself into the water in a manner that few before him had only tried - a flip. He did succeed in achieving his goal, and earned a 9.5 by the Afterglow judges, narrowly defeating Kevin.
His follow-up jump was a full on swan dive. Tim took these pictures, as I was filming James with my camcorder, but he certainly has a long way to go before he graduates from the School of Photography. Although Tim has some issues on framing (see yellow circle), I will always complement anyone who takes pictures for the benefit of all of my viewers. So thank you Tim.
Brian struggles to remain above the water, for anything else would result in unhappy thoughts. And unhappy thoughts don't allow you to fly with Tinkerbell...
James emerges from the water as the hero of the day. Most everyone (excluding those taller than him) look up to him. Ha ha. We really do think quite highly of him.
The few brave souls who weathered the beautiful sunshine got quite a show that day. There weren't too many people on hand to witness history being made, but that's why I have this here website - to inform you of events that happened when you weren't present.
We found Uncle Dan's boat floating in the water near the dock. Well, not the real Uncle Dan's boat. We used this to represent Uncle Dan in our "Neil Diamond saves St. Louis" sandcastle. Funny that it was out here floating around. Hmm...