Afterglow 2004 - Day 2
Before I went to bed on Sunday night, I took a good long look into the mirror, and I liked what I saw. On that day I discovered something spectacular; with my hair styled this way, I look just like the famed 19th Century composer Ludwig van Beethoven. Look at that handsome devil then look at me. Do you think it is possible that we come from the same lineage? That would explain the immense musical talent in my family...
I woke up before everyone else, so I went out to the dock to play some guitar. I think I was playing some love songs to no one, but then again, when do I not? Thankfully, someone disturbed me long enough to take a picture.
Then we ate breakfast. We had to get enough energy to play a little bit of Afterglow basketball. What better boast of morning goodness that General Mills cereal, particularly Lucky Charms. James is a fan.
The basketball game was average. Naturally, James dominated, just like he does every year. The younger guys (like Mark, the tall one) were starting to grow and evolving into competition for Afterglow's #1 player.
Instead of concentrating on my defense or my jump shot, I was doing goofy things like this. This may be a reason why my basketball skills haven't really progressed over the years. But at least I have a really awesome website...
Steffani and Stacy played around on the rings and trapeze thing, probably pretending like they were in some kind of crazy Northwoods circus. That or just "hanging out." You like? I know, I know, but I couldn't resist.
With the basketball game over, it was time to get the party started and go swimming. If you are unfamiliar with the term party in this context, simply turn the page (when you hear the chimes. Anyone else remember those books?)