Afterglow 2004 - Day 4




























For some reason, there was really nothing better to do on Day 4 than the off-sports. I call them (tennis, ping pong, pool, horseshoes and basketball) that because just about anyone can play them, albeit not at a professional level. Greg and Rick challenged each other at ping pong, something that they have done since childhood, and their competitive nature and skill level was quite apparent. I was actually amazed how good my Uncles were at table tennis. Meanwhile, Jenny and I played a wicked round of pool, and I'm guessing that Jenny won. It really was no surprise to me because Jenny's better than me at so many things, so why should pool be any different?

Today was the day for great match-ups. Gary and Dale claimed to be the greatest ping pong team of all time, so Rick and Greg decided to take them on. What followed cannot be rightly described with words, so I won't even try. The paddles flurried faster than hummingbird wings, and the ball traveled faster than light itself. It's amazing that these 4 people were all able to keep up with each other without suffering from exhaustion. I tired myself out just watching them, so I went home and took a nap, for we had an incredible night planned.    

It's no secret to anyone at the resort that we go out and light off fireworks (read: everyone within miles can hear us.) We always reserve at least one night for late night blowing up explosives time. Lighting a fuse and then watching it burst into a vast array of colors has always fascinated me, much as it captivates everyone else's attention. We look forward to this event all year long, saving some of the unused leftovers from the year before and blowing the stuff out of them. The thrill of walking down a dark and lonesome road involved in illegal activity gets the adrenaline going, and there is no turning back. 

We know that there are bears and cars and bigfoots roaming the woods, but so far, everyone who has gone out for the late night fireworks extravaganza has come home alive. You can call it reckless, illegal, uncalled for, juvenile and a waste of money, but then you'd also have to say twice as many positive things about it. To tell you the honest truth, I can't think of a better way to cap off an average day here at Afterglow.




