Afterglow 2013 - Day 5 Wednesday |
I think Wednesday is the official "Kurutz/Reck/McKissick/Burgett/Keller (am I forgetting anyone?) Dinner Night" at Afterglow. Basically it's all of our family (Cabin #'s 1, 2, 5 and 6) getting together for our own kind of celebration. Over the last few years this has evolved into a Fiesta featuring a plentiful bounty of Mexican cuisine that could only be described as muy buena. Americans would call this a very good night and everyone in attendance feasted on tacos and nachos. Y nos hacía estragos hasta que las ruedas se cayó. |
I'm pretty sure that I lost money at the casino. I've walked away with a couple of bucks in my pockets a few times, but for the most part I'm probably down overall in my life. Today would be no different. The only reason I came close to being even was because I won $40 in one spin off of $1. That doesn't happen too often folks. I cashed out and was ready to leave but the cousins were playing Craps or Blackjack or something more intensive than slots where you can't just walk away. We ended up overstaying our welcome and Jenny got us kicked out of the Casino. I'm not going to go into details because I'm sure you can fill in the blanks. Some places can't handle the rage. |
Uncle Rick always manages to find himself in some of the most random pictures. This was a nice one of a couple of the girls and there he is, smiling and raging alongside them. But it's all good. Anywhere else this would have been weird. But not Afterglow. |
Pete and Gail own the joint, so I'm sure they can just wander in and out oh any cabin at will. Who is going to say no? You can't say no to the boss. So even though we invited them to dinner, they didn't need our permission. They could've showed up anyway. |
The kid's table was set up in the garage. I'm guessing that the parents thought that we would roughhouse and since there is no basement in Cabin #1, then we had to be outside. One of Nana's rules is that if you're going to roughhouse, you need to go in the basement or go outside. This was a perfect place for the kid's table, although there was more eating and drinking and less roughhousing out here. |
While we were out in the garage doing garage things the adults were indoors gathering for group pictures. I think that's what adults do. Well that and talk politics, refinancing their houses and worrying if they have enough saved up for retirement. |
Once you introduce garage rage into the mix with Mexican food and booze, the results will be too much to handle tonight and also in the morning. Seriously folks - we may never be the same. I pray for the Mothers who won't recognize their babies. |
We went back to our cabin (#2) to fuel up and plan our attack for the evening. We decided that it was good night to go to the casino in Watersmeet, MI. We try to go at least once per year but at this point in my life, I can take it or leave it. Thankfully my cousins always talk me into it. I can't resist the lure of flashing lights, loud noises and the possibility if winning money. Stacy knows what I'm talking about. |