Afterglow 2013 - Day 5 Wednesday



There was little to no wind/current today so once we stopped somewhere, we pretty much stayed there. This was perfectly fine by Jenny and I because of two reasons - we had nowhere else to be and we brought along Timmy's music. Jenny and I don't have nearly the same reaction that Mom does so we are more inclined to listen to it. It's still sad, but I'd rather be sad than to hear nothing at all. To each their own.

One of my most favorite meals in the World is SuperMac. That's probably one of the reasons why I'm fat. This dish can't be good for you. It is Kraft Mac N Cheese with hotdogs, extra cheese, bacon and other delicious things that make you die earlier.















Afterglow Lake is incredibly small compared to other lakes, but from out here it looks like you are so far from the beach. It felt like it too considering I had to row way the hell out here. But check out that view people! It was so totally worth it.

The Welcome Bear has been known to get involved in our shenanigans. In the past I've seen him wear a Sombrero so it was no surprise to see him wearing a Dinosaur Hat. Not too bad pal. Just a day too late. Well, better late than never.













I woke up early again today so I figured I might as well grab another morning cup of rage. Since I was still on vacation it seemed like a great idea to put some whiskey in there. And you know what? It was a great idea and a great start to the day.


I don't know if I mentioned this yet and I'm not going to go back and look - we had a brand new HD this year. It looks just like the old one but it isn't old and rickety. The base of the old one is docked at the far side of the lake. We went over there to see it.













Every year I have a checklist of things that I want to do up here. Taking the boat out for a row is one of them. Can you believe there are years when I don't get out on a boat? How is that possible? We're on a lake for a week! But this year I did it.


You can take a million beautiful nature pictures at Afterglow because God always presents them before you. Then you just have to meet him halfway by bringing a camera or your photographic memory. The difficult part for me is having to choose which ones to share with you. They are all so good, but I feel like I have picked the best of the bunch from this day. I always love when the lake is incredibly still and the surface resembles a mirror. It's almost hard to tell what is up and what is down, what is real and what is the reflection.















One of those hell spawns was getting dangerously close to our boat. Loons have blood red eyes and stare into your soul like the Devil himself. Never trust a loon. They will rip your still beating heart out of your chest and show it to you. Nasty creatures.


And so we just floated out there on the water. There wasn't anything better to do that morning, so in essence we were doing the greatest thing in the World at the time. I wish life could always be that way. I'd give anything to feel that way every day.














We were on our way back to the cabin and Carol took our picture. I remember yelling out "Mom! Take our picture!" and someone else's Mom came running out with a camera. But it's all the same really. Up here we're all family, just like Olive Garden. Except better! Why!?! Because here you don't just get to take the product home with you, but you get to enjoy it every day for the rest of your life! Take that Olive Garden! You ain't got shit on Afterglow! And why do I keep using exclamation points!?! Am I really that excited!?! HELL YEAH!





































Safely back on shore, I did what I rarely take the time to do anymore - I laid out on the ground (or dock in this case) and stared up at the sky. I used to do this a whole lot as a kid and kept my head up in the clouds, using my imagination to create images out of clouds. And then came the video games, TV, the girls, the internet, the naked girls, booze, movies, depression that had me staring at my feet and then the girls who refused to get naked around me. Forget those distractions. I need to go back to staring at the clouds instead.






