Afterglow 2013 - Day 4 Tuesday



The next game had the boys against the girls in a challenge that involved squirting water at a stack of buckets to try and push them off of a table. I guess this is what kids these days do for entertainment when there is no TV/Internet/video games/iPads and they aren't yet old enough to drink. It sounds pretty basic but also looked like fun from where I was sitting. But from where I was sitting I had some whiskey and some PBR. Anything looks like fun when you've got that combo rolling around in your innards.

When we got back from town we rounded up the rest of the kids to go swimming. You are always supposed to take a buddy with you when swimming. So as long as you have to take 1 person, why not bring them all? Maybe that's why the Cousins always roll out together. Jenny Reck brought a buddy as well, but hers will not preventing you from drowning. In fact, it would do the opposite. Choose your buddy wisely.

















We were going to go swimming right away but there were some beach games going on that we decided to watch. Remember the Slobstacle Course? Well apparently that doesn't exist anymore and they do some kind of goofy games instead. Personally I don't really give a damn because I'm too old and drunk to do it anyway. But think about these kids growing up without obstacles to go through. They are going to think life is a cakewalk. Life is hard. Life is serious. There is no time to put on silly hats and make faces. No time at all.














Tommy took the surfboard thing out for a paddle on a beautiful picturesque Afterglow day. Today was absolutely perfect and we weren't even spending it in the lake. What a bunch of dummies we were. Had we known that the weather would suck the rest of the week we probably would not have been on dry land during the daylight hours. But we didn't know at the time. But on the flipside of that it was rather enjoyable to sit out on the dock in the sun. I spend so much time indoors that this was a wonderful change of pace.








































One of the beach games that Gail had set up was a water balloon launcher. Pete dragged a boat off into the area just outside of the shallow end and dropped anchor. Then everyone was given the opportunity to hit the boat with a water balloon. Gail showed us how it was done and then Jenny, Kevin and Clare followed soon after. Had Pete stayed in the anchored boat instead of coming back to shore, I would have jumped at the chance to launch balloons. Who wants to hit an empty boat? Where's the fun in that?














