Afterglow 2011 - Day 6 Thursday


The people paddling are wearing blindfolds and are supposed to be led by the person in the middle. They are supposed to run a figure 8 around these buoys and return to the beach. Sounds easy, right? That's why I said supposed to and didn't use some other absolute.


When I made it back to the beach I found that it was business as usual. Everyone was out in the water or chilling on the beach. Judging from the wetness on my shirt I'm guessing that I went out in the water to satisfy my swimming quota for the day. On shore things were getting a little crazy as these shipwrecked survivors were already starting to succumb to isolation sickness. It was like "The Lord of the Flies" and the inmates started running the asylum. Stacy brought it upon herself to braid Brian's hair and we all stood by and watched. This was weird.













I get it but I don't understand it. It's like hearing but not listening. Brian has long hair so Stacy braided it. And just like that Brian went from being majestic to being just god damn beautiful. His head was a work of art and he strutted his beautiful ass around the resort and held his braided head in the air with pride. And why shouldn't he? We all get our moment in the sun and Brian was just taking advantage of that.

























The Blind Canoe Race is a very popular event amongst all people in the resort not named Scott Reck. Now don't get me wrong, I'll stand on the beach and watch these kids go nuts out there but you won't catch me blindfolded and paddling like a fool. Good thing that this is a resort chock full of people who don't think and act like me or else events like this wouldn't exist. I believe that there were 4 teams in the race today and the Kurutz/Reck clan sent 2 of them - Kevin, Stacy and Kelly and Curtis, Tommy and Brian. We had a 50/50 shot of winning this thing today.


Gail always insists upon taking a group picture and I always back her up on it. That's because I need a copy for my site. And even though I didn't participate in the Blind Canoe Race I had to photobomb them. And then Brian got attacked by a baby. A lot happens in a picture.

Kevin, Stacy and Kelly cruised on into the shore with eyes blindfolded and heads filled with confidence. When Gail failed to announce them as the winner Stacy threw her arms up in the air, not realizing that she led them on the wrong side of a buoy thus negating their entire trip.














It wouldn't be an Afterglow Blind Canoe Race with a canoe carrying Brian overturning. We have come to expect it because Brian is usually at the center of attention and inadvertently becomes the subject of everyone's follies. He was navigating so he is the sole person responsible for allowing his canoe to t-bone a rival's canoe. And for that mishap he had to push the canoe to the shore and get his team ready for another run.













You can't have a heat end in a DQ because that would be a blizzard. Of course then we would all get ice cream. But I really meant DQ as in disqualification. The teams must complete the course as planned or else the race would need to be run again. We might be here all day.


Eventually Gail was satisfied with the results and called the race but I don't know who finished first. I'm sure that I could find it somewhere, but that destroys the mystery. You did not come here for answers, you came here for a story. And I will provide one.













Curtis was giving me "that look." He doesn't say nothing, he just gives me "that look." Brian on the other hand was rocking out on the air guitar and having a damn good time with it. If they actually put these things to good use we'd actually have a pretty productive day.









