Afterglow 2011 - Day 3 Monday

I love Cabin #2, but that's mostly because I live there during the best week of my year. The other best thing about it is that my cousins drop in (often unannounced) for some food and salatorious. Kelly, Susie and Brian were laughing and carrying on like a bunch of kids who should have been working today but instead were taking the day off and spending it in paradise. Because that's exactly what we were all doing. And up here we're all free to be ourselves even if that means making obscene gestures to the camera. But hey I'm all for it. It's vacation baby!!


People can't resist photo opportunities. I don't know why because these are staged and so fake. But they are also the only time you can get people to pay attention and look their best. That's not necessary a bad thing though because Brian, Mom, Jenny + Rez look good here.

Kevin (assuming the role of the Fun Police) could sense that order needed to be maintained and those frowns needed to be turned upside-down. And what better way to do it than with a goofy look? Kevin certainly knows how to change the mood of those around him.

I had brewed a special beer for the summer and Melissa had made special Timmy pint glasses. The beer was called Wagon Wheel and the glasses say "Hey Momma Rock Me." Jenny and I put one down and tried to enjoy the afternoon. The beer certainly helped.

We reconvened outside of Cabin #2 to gather our bearings and refill our beverages. It had already been a very long and emotional day but there was still plenty of day left to be had. We needed some fuel in the tank if we were going to push the pedal to the metal and rage.


At the time Jenny and Mike were dating which was why he was allowed to come up to Afterglow. They have since broken up but remain good friends so this isn't weird. Wait... it is weird? Damn I wish that I understood the common mating ritual and the before and after effects.

I don't know how or why a canoe ended up down by our cabin but that's not the point. Instead of trying to figure out the reasoning behind something we should instead focus on the joy that the canoe brought Kevin on this Monday afternoon. Kids love toys no matter what shape or size they are and this giant floating transportation device was one of them. I can't say I blame him though. When Timmy and I were at Boy Scout Summer Camp up at Jag Lake we used to take a canoe out in the water and swamp it (submerge it) and then play in and around it. Some air would be trapped under it when it was upside-down and we had so much fun with it. I don't know why but it was a hell of a good time.

Nate Keller (or Nate McLouth as I call him for some reason after the professional baseball player currently back with the Pittsburgh Pirates) is one hell of a little human being. He's been through tons of medical problems too long to list but he's been a good sport through it all and has tried to live a normal kid's life. Everyone was giving him a high five because he's awesome but for some reason he wouldn't high five me. That's probably why I'm giving him one big ol' mean glare. Sorry about your troubles pal, but if you diss me on the high fives I gotta give you the look.













We all still felt the sadness associated with the burial but things were getting better by the headwear Kevin and now Jenny were trying on. I'm not sure where she got this "head" light but if we ever go mining for gold it will come in handy. Then we'll all be rich beyond belief.
























































