Afterglow 2005 - Day 3
Day 3 was is the first "official" day of Afterglow because it's the day when the all of the events begin. I think that there was basketball in the morning, but I didn't feel like getting up and running around. Instead, I went down to the beach to check out what everyone else was up to. The adults (including my Mom) were out floating in the deep end, occupying the area that the kids are supposed to be in. But the kids were nowhere near the deep end. In fact, they were off the deep end, in the super duper deep end, goofing around on kayaks.
Tim was imitating a Tusken Raider from Star Wars, complete with the raising of the staff and howling battle cry. I think he scared away the neighboring Jawas that were fishing for some droids in a nearby rowboat.
It was good to see Jenny and Susie out of bed and out doing something that required the expenditure of energy. Every once in a while these two will surprise me and do something completely extraordinary (at least for them.)
We then went fishing for some fish with some fishy looking fishies. There were tons of fish hanging out around the dock, so we thought that we'd make cannibals out of them. We baited them with Pepperidge Farm's goldfish crackers, and those suckers actually took hold and got away.
I don't exactly know what is going on in this picture because I was outside of hearing range. I was also outside of shooting range, so I couldn't lock on with my missiles and take a couple of those kids out, Independence Day style. That is, if I can bring down their shields with a virus.
The afternoon soon rolled around, and Afterglow baseball began. I wasn't intending on playing (Tim and I were in the big pool's deep end when the bell went off) because swimming was much more fun. Eventually I took a stroll up to the baseball diamond to take some pictures of my family. James is staring at the ground because the little kids were up to bat, and were not able to hit it out of the infield. Tommy (picture on the right) had enough time to watch a lucky caterpillar round the bases in celebration of his most triumphant game winning home run.