Afterglow 2005 - Day 1




























This is the crew that is terrified of miniscule winged mammals. No one of was man enough to do anything until James took control, but we can sit back and laugh about it.

I took a picture of the flying menace while he/she was "hanging around." Get it? Hanging around. I'm sorry, I really couldn't help but drop that one in there.

After James knocked the little sucker out Friday style, it just sat there and passed out like it had been drinking all day. Funny, I don't remember buying it booze...

Brian hides from the world, but mostly masks his face so that the bat cannot see who has conspired against him and led to his capture. Tommy really doesn't care at all.

Even though we were guests at this resort, we were told by Gail to clean up the mess. Since it was still alive, we didn't exactly know how to dispose of it. We took it to Uncle Dan, who was quite knowledgeable of many things. We figured that since he was a fisherman, he knew all about catching, releasing and disposing of animals. We eventually put it in a garbage bag (it was clinging to the tissues and wouldn't let go) and then threw it away I guess. I honestly don't know because I was too busy running like a sissy girl. If someone was brave enough to know the outcome of this vivacious night creature, drop me a line and let me know.