Afterglow 2005 - Day 4



































For some reason, the McKissick boys and the Reck boys have always gotten along well. What can we say, we enjoy each other's company. We needed to stay close by one another on the long walk to the platforms, because we only have the moon's light to guide our paths. Any time that a car approaches, we all need to dive headfirst into the roadside foliage in fear of either being run over or spotted by the cars and being mistaken for wildlife. Sticking together keeps us alive.

This road sign proposed an interesting conundrum - left or right. Going left takes you back to the routine safeness of Afterglow; while the right takes you to the adventurous mayhem that takes place at the platforms. Tonight, the right way really was wrong, as you will soon find out...

When we got to the platforms, the real party began. Tim brought out the "candy" and we all started "eating" it. That's just code that we use around the little kids, but who am I kidding - we lit off fireworks. Tim went crazy and wouldn't stop firing objects into the night sky.

The other kids were content to just sit around and talk, but Tim and I went crazy with explosives and fire. We literally shot off every single firework that Tim had in his backpack, and even lit off multiple fireworks at the same time. Anything that contained explosives and had a fuse was sent shooting towards the heavens. I even got some help from Mother Nature in sending some firepower upwards. For some reason this plant was able to hold bottle rockets so that I didn't have too. It was freakin' sweet.