World Series of Beer Pong 5 - Day 2







Zen (left) is the main guy behind Drunken Bear who do beer pong tournaments in Chicago. They've even run a few here in Milwaukee. They have them almost every weekend, but he usually doesn't play in them because he's too busy running them. But he still had played enough to put up a nice showing at WSoBP V with a 9-3 record.











Back in WSoBP I (and II to a certain degree) the Milwaukee teams were the teams to watch. Now we're lucky to even get our beer pong friends to stop by to check out our games. It's sad how far Milwaukee Beer Pong has fallen off of the map. We used to be the envy of all others, now none of us even play anymore.














Brodey playing beer pong in his boxers is something that goes all the way back to the Cramer House, the original venue of the CHBPL (which is where it gets it's name if you didn't know - Cramer House Beer Pong League). After league matches we'd play until we ran out of beer or everyone passed out. Because of the over consumption of alcohol, eventually Brodey and Balkman (and whoever else drunk enough to join in) would end up in their boxers. Since his team wasn't going to make Day 3, Brodey (like me) just decided to have fun and this was his way to do it. To each their own.