World Series of Beer Pong 5 - Day 1
















I have no idea who this guy is. At one time he probably told me his name but 6 months later he is just another beer pong player that I competed against. He was my first oppenent in the Singles Tournament and unfortunately (although we both shot like shit) he got the better of me. So I started out 0-1 in this one-on-one event.


Vegas is best when viewed at night, and this year I was lucky enough to catch it by opening my window. From there I was able to see the Bellagio, Bally's and Paris casino hotels. It wasn't the greatest view in the world, but I guess you get what you pay for. Since I booked the cheapest room available at the hotel, I got the cheapest view in the hotel. Well not really, because that would've been the view from last year.




Everyone who was everyone in the game of beer pong was playing in the Singles Tournament. It was the chance for individual players to shine and win without their teammate. I took a few minutes to watch Paul (formerly of the "Foul Mouthed Whores" in the Last Cup documentary) play a game tonight. I hope that he won.












Brodey also played in the Singles Tournament because like me, he still felt like he was a good enough player by himself to win a game. And like me, he was dead wrong. No offense to him or myself, but it is my opinion that we lean on our teammates a little too much to win games. As individuals we just aren't amazing anymore.




















Brodey was disapointed by his 3-2 finish in the Singles Tournament but I don't feel like he should hang his head on that record. True he didn't win the whole thing, but I only went 1-2 and was bounced out pretty early. Cheer up Brodey, you were no where near a disappointment to Milwaukee beer pong - that spot is saved for me.








I know that I'm not very good in a one-on-one match. They only reason that I played in this Singles Tournament is because I felt like everyone expected me to play in it. Although I am nowhere near an elite player in the beer pong universe, I have that label because of the Last Cup documentary and my press coverage from WSoBPs 1-4. But I bowed out early and was forced to watch the game from the side.




Brodey was still sad from his performance in the Singles Tournament but I tried to convince him to cheer up. After all it was late, we were drunk, in Las Vegas and we were at Burger King about to get some greasy ass food. I bet we had a better January 2nd than you did.




The Burger King is inside O'Shea's next door to the Flamingo and I went there quite often. Every time that I did I looked over at the giant Caesar statue in the front of Caesar's Palace and joined him in Starting the Revolution. He is an inspiration to us all.