World Series of Beer Pong 4 - Day 1



Every year, this event gets a little bit classier. Year I, it was in a tiny conference center. Year II, it was in a tent in a parking lot. Year III saw it move to a ballroom at the South Point Casino, but none of them could so even look at the swanky venue of Year IV. The Sunset Ballroom didn't know what it was getting into when it signed up to host the World Series of Beer Pong. In just a few minutes, over a thousand drunken idiots would be stampeding over the carpets, and hopefully refraining from swinging on the chandeliers. We do have to keep it classy.


Joe isn't really ready to start the party in the morning, but he sure as hell will be there to end the party at night. He's all about the partying, but he needs a clear head to play beer pong. Unlike me, Joe has the necessary mental skills to prepare for a game of beer pong. Me? I just get as drunk as possible and try not to think about it. Otherwise I get inside my head and psych myself out.













Billy, Duncan + Skinny addressed the crowd and welcomed everyone to the biggest and baddest beer pong tournament ever. They quickly reminded everybody of the tournament structure and did a short recap of the rules. It's funny to think that over 800 drunks will listen, but that's what happens when the Bpong guys talk. That's one of the reasons why this event has been successful.














Hummel and Katie J played in the 1st round of games, which was good because that meant that I could go watch them. But since there were more teams this year than in previous years, the playing area was larger, and I had to stand further away from their table to watch the game. It sucked, because it totally took the Milwaukee "backing your team up and getting in their heads" defense out of the games, but we'd still figure out a way to make it work. Because after all, "we're from the city that invented beer, and we don't take no bullshit."





















In previous years, we gathered in the morning to drink, goof around, and shoot a couple of balls. As you have already seen, just Joe and I hung out in the morning, so that meant we were obligated to meet with the Godfather so that we could discuss strategy and establish team goals. We couldn't let Milwaukee beer pong down. Not after last year. We had to prove we were among the best.






Strange thoughts creep into your head when you start drinking at 10 o'clock in the morning. I decided that it would be sweet to imitate 3 things at once - the suction cup Garfield window clings you see in people's cars, the Amazing Spider-man and Jay humping the glass of the convenience store in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. The great thing is that I was doing all 3 at once!