World Series of Beer Pong 3 - Vegas Round 5








With Kanz passed out on the floor, I had no one to talk to. And when I have no one to talk to, I find ways to keep myself occupied. This is never a good thing, ladies and gentleman. I found this wheelchair, and I used it in inappropriate manners. But the more that I think about it now, with what I've been through this week, there really isn't anything that is inappropriate anymore. So this is how I finished my crazy week at the 3rd WSoBP. It was so crazy that it left me handicapped. Oh man, I'm really gonna get burned for that insensitive joke.











 Well, that's all for this year. I'm glad that you stuck around to hear my take on the 3rd WSoBP. While it was not as exciting and life fulfilling as WSoBPs 1 + 2, it still was another exciting chapter in my life. Hang with me just a little bit longer, and I'll show you some really wicked shit. Or at least I hope so. Until then - take care my friends, and drink up, it always goes down smooth.