World Series of Beer Pong 3 - Vegas Round 5





There's a couple of places that I didn't get to visit on this trip, but I've been there before so I decided to skip them. Two of those places were the Mirage and the Treasure Island. They are both owned by the MGM Mirage Company, and they are essentially the same hotel. Most people don't know that only like 2 companies own all of the major hotels on the Strip. That's why they are all incredibly similar. If you've seen one, then you most likely have seen them all. That's one of many reasons why I decided to skip them that day.













When we got to the airport, Kanz picked a spot on the ground to cozy all up on. By this time, he was really really really ridiculously partied out, so I let him sleep. But wait, no I didn't. I was too busy bothering him and taking pictures of him passed out on the ground. Wow, I just realized what a horrible friend I am. But it's all in good fun. Well at least it was to me. As for Kanz? He really didn't appreciate it.



I tried to take a picture of the lights of the Las Vegas Strip from the plane, but the plane was flying hella fast on take off so all I got was this blurry image. It was a fitting ending to the week, because all that I saw all week was blurry images. Boys and girls, that's what happens when you drink, so for your sake, for your daughters sake, stay off the sauce. Don't say that I didn't warn you kids.


I've always intended to go to check out the Excalibur. It's one of the least expensive properties on the Strip, and I've been told that it's all rowdy and overrun by kids. I wanted to check it out for myself, but we just ran out of time. Maybe next time I'll go to the castle.

















I posed proudly in front of my Subaru, but to be quite honest with you, I was ready to give it up. No offense buddy, you've served me well, but a Subaru isn't exactly a chick magnet. There's some chicks (the Golden Girls come to mind) that would dig it, but not today.