World Series of Beer Pong 3 - Vegas Round 5





I had an unhealthy fascination with LandShark Lager ever since I first tasted it down in Florida in March 2007. The only places that I thought I could get it was down there and at Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville restaurant. So I had one in Las Vegas, but when I got home these suckers were now available everywhere.

Kanz needed to wake up, so he ordered a a Red Bull margarita. It looked pretty sweet, and I bet it tasted awesome, but I was content with my LandShark Lager. In fact, I was more than content, I was ecstatic. Because when I was drinking it, I could put my fins up.












I may not have ordered the Jerk Salmon, but I sure as hell ordered the Cheeseburger in Paradise. I like mine with lettuce and tomatoes, Heinz 57 and french fried potatoes, a big kosher pickle and a cold beer. They may call this place Margaritaville, but I call it heaven.









This wasn't the first time that I was at the Flamingo and Margaritaville, and it certainly wouldn't be the last. I found out later that the 4th WSoBP would be held at the Flamingo, so in January of 2009, I will be spending plenty of time at this joint. That means that I'll be rocking out to Buffett for a whole week next year. Sweet.













Kanz was in the vicinity of a naked lady, and he didn't even have to give her any dollars to take her clothes off! It's just too bad that she was gold and lifeless, or else he probably would have had a shot at her. I'd probably still take a run at her though; that's how pathetic my love life is.










The Imperial Palace is a big joke to my co-workers and I took this picture just to show them that I was there. Apparently it's a big joke to anyone who has ever stayed there too. I valet parked my Subaru there, and the Japanese valet laughed at me too. Didn't the Japanese make Subarus? Then why the hell was he laughing at me?


Now that you can get LandShark Lager just about everywhere, it's not really that special anymore. I still count it amongst my favorite beers, but it lost some of the zing bing bang bells and whistles excitement that it once had. I'll still probably come back here to get some next year.











I almost ordered the Jerk Salmon off of the menu, cause I have a friend named Salmon and sometimes he can be a jerk. Just kidding! (About the friend part! Ha!) You should already know my fascination with the word jerk, but if you don't, then check out this article in my blog. All kidding aside, we thought that this was some funny shit.