World Series of Beer Pong 3 - Vegas Round 5






From up here, I'm pretty sure that I could see the South Point Casino. I zoomed in as far as my camera would allow, but I'm still not sure whether or not that this is actually it. There weren't any other large buildings in the vicinity of the South Point, so it had to be it.


I always forget that there are mountains surround Las Vegas, because I tend to only think about the desert and the casinos. Vegas can be quite beautiful once you rise above the sin, lies, debauchery, and deceit. From up here, none of that is visible to the naked eye.




Me on the other hand, could not get enough of this crap. I'm the kind of sucker that always falls prey to these tourist traps, and I part with my hard earned money to stand on top of these goofy objects and take pictures that I know no one wants to see. I'd be upset if someone sat me down and forced me to look at these crappy pictures. I try to make them fun and entertaining for all audiences, but I usually fail. Well, not all audiences. Some of my stuff can be rated PG-13 for ribald humor. But I get close.









The observation tower is a pretty good gimmick to get people to come to this casino that is pretty much in the middle of nowhere. It's kind of ghetto here, but I guess that's to be expected when there's a tall ass tower. Kanz was less than thrilled to be here, and after all of the hardcore partying that he did this week, I can imagine that he was just ready to go home. He looked really partied out, so I didn't want to keep him here any longer than was necessary for me to get my standing on top of high things thrills.


Believe it or not, that's the Las Vegas Strip in the picture below. I know it doesn't look like much, but from here we're way at the ass end of Las Vegas Boulevard. And not only that, but on top of the ass end of Las Vegas Boulevard. From up here, everything's different.





























The airport is on the exact opposite end of the Strip from where I was standing, and from my height, the planes were just zooming right by my ears. Well, not really, but I started to imagine that they were. The air was so thin up here that I started to hallucinate.